all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 8AA 4 54.936458 -1.368262
SR6 8AB 1 54.938414 -1.367594
SR6 8AD 2 54.939984 -1.36721
SR6 8AE 0 54.941572 -1.366608
SR6 8AF 0 54.942802 -1.366446
SR6 8AG 0 54.942178 -1.367347
SR6 8AH 0 54.942892 -1.368148
SR6 8AJ 0 54.942313 -1.369172
SR6 8AL 0 54.94296 -1.369146
SR6 8AN 0 54.941497 -1.367717
SR6 8AP 0 54.939593 -1.369667
SR6 8AQ 0 54.942806 -1.367181
SR6 8AR 0 54.940324 -1.370389
SR6 8AS 0 54.941365 -1.373604
SR6 8AT 0 54.942532 -1.373242
SR6 8AU 0 54.942964 -1.373392
SR6 8AW 0 54.940196 -1.368112
SR6 8AX 0 54.943113 -1.371064
SR6 8AY 0 54.941781 -1.37238
SR6 8AZ 0 54.9419 -1.371082